10-in Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

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Care info

Sun: The Fiddle Leaf Fig requires bright, filtered light to grow and look its best. South and east-facing windows will offer many hours of bright and indirect sunlight. Sheer curtains will also offer ideal filtration.

Water: Maintain a consistent watering schedule, repeating once the top 50%-75% of soil has dried. It is essential that water is delivered slowly and fully around the pot until all excess has flown out of the drainage hole. Use of non-tap water is recommended.

Air: Mimic a tropical environment with temperatures between 65º-85º and a high moisture content. You can provide a regular boost of humidity by:

• Adding a humidifier nearby
• Creating a pebble tray that lives underneath the pot
• Misting the leaves 2-4x per week with non-tap water

Spiritual Interpretation

The Fiddle Leaf Fig symbolizes fertility, abundance, and good luck. The care they require is a testament to our own skills and ability to nurture life + growth.


Arriving to you in careful packaging:

•Live Fiddle Leaf Fig
•Temporary 10-inch nursery pot
•Care card with tips for success
•Grounded Office Hours: Complimentary 1-on-1 support from our Plant Specialist

Nature is unique - each plant may vary slightly from the plant shown here.

A tall Fiddle Leaf Fig tree on the floor in a 10-inch pot. Close up of healthy, glossy Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves


Safely Packaged

Intentionally Curated

1 on 1 Plant Care Assistence

Quality Assurance

About The 10-in Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Native to tropical areas of western Africa, The Fiddle Leaf Fig has become a statement houseplant. Its higher-maintenance needs reward you with branching growth over six feet tall, showing off with stunning, glossy leaves

10-in Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree care guide


Is This Plant Pet Safe?

Keep out of reach from curious pets. These are toxic when ingested.

What Health Benefits Does This Plant Provide?

Active exposure to and care for plants has many proven wellbeing benefits, such as: 

• Lower stress levels

•Improved mood

• Superior mental clarity and focus

Houseplants are excellent air purifiers. They cleanse the air of indoor toxins, produce oxygen, and their humidifying capabilities will help you sleep + breathe better. Keep their leaves free of dust for optimal photosynthesis and oxygen production.

Plant Lifecycle

Fiddle Leaf Figs live long lives of 25+ years with proper care, reaching up to 10 feet tall indoors. Its life can be renewed through propagating stem cuttings.

For extended health use well-draining soil that retains moisture and fertilize during the growing season. Planters with a drainage hole are recommended.

To create a lush look, make a clean 45º cut on the main stem so branches can grow in new directions.

Grounded Office Hours

Have a question about your Grounded Plant? Schedule a complimentary, 15-minute Office Hour call to meet with our in-house Plant Specialist. Schedule an appointment below.